Celebration Ray Klinginsmith’s Life 

Ray, a wonderful and inspiring man has passed, and many of us feel the tremendous loss. Why is the loss so great? Because with Ray as a friend, colleague, acquaintance, neighbor, and/or fellow Rotarian, we had so very much.

Ray did not wish to have a somber funeral or memorial service and instead wished to be remembered through a Celebration of Life.
Anyone wishing and able to attend is welcome. In his obituary (with the link below) Ray suggested that attendees wear apparel that represents their connection to him. (Putnam County, Truman State, Mizzou, Rotary, CVA. Kansas City Chiefs, etc,)

If you cannot attend, you are encouraged to toast Ray’s life on February 10 wherever you are and every day that you are so inclined. He would want you to continue to do good in this world and to promote peace whenever possible. A great part of Ray’s legacy will be the warm memories that each one of us cherishes. If we can keep the memories alive, Ray is still with us.

Ray is survived by his son, Kurt, of Kirksville; by his daughter and her husband, Leigh and Bob Perkins, of Liberty, Missouri; and his three grandchildren, Morgan (Perkins) Dawson, Grant Perkins, and Sydney Perkins. If you are moved to write or email a letter about your experiences with Ray, the family would welcome them at Leigh’s email: lakp@icloud.com or at Ray’s P.O. Box 1061, Kirksville, MO 63501. The stories will be compiled for current and future descendants of Ray.
If you wish to donate in Ray’s name, here is the address to his named charity: Truman State University Foundation, 100 East Normal, Kirksville MO 63501. Under memo write Ray & Judie Klinginsmith Nursing Scholarship Fund.