Introduction --- New Generation Exchanges (NGE)+
By Jeff Deatherage - As you may know, several years ago the Rotary International Board of Directors authorized a program for young adults 18-25 to participate in Youth Exchange, this program is called New Generations exchange (RCOP 41.080.6). These exchanges operate similar to the short-term youth exchange program.
The following multidistricts and districts that have reported that they participate or are open to participating in New Generations exchanges will lend an idea of the current NGE opportunities:
*Multidistrict Youth Exchange Program of Districts 1980-2000 (Liechtenstein & Switzerland)
*Multidistrict Youth Exchange Program of Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Hungary and Slovenia, Districts 1910, 1911 and 1920 (Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Hungary, & Slovenia)
*Multidistrict Youth Exchange Program of Districts 1550-1610 (The Netherlands)
*Districts:1200, 1520, 1620, 1700, 1770, 1870, 1880, 1900, 2040, 4110, 4160, 4190, 4420, 4470, 4480, 4490, 4651, 4710, 4730, 4760, 5220, 5240, 5390, 5500, 5790, 5910, 9800
Target Groups
Either students (young people who have started or are in the middle of their higher education) or young professionals between the ages of 20 and 25 are the target recipients of these exchanges.
An applicant’s career plans and aspirations will figure heavily into the NGE planning process. NGE a programs must contain vocational training or education during weekday daytime.
Of course, cultural understanding and tourism will also play a part in NGE’s.
Both Group and Individual NGE’s (inbound and outbound)are currently being contemplated. Decisions to support either group or individual exchanges will revolve around both the goals and the financial capabilities of our district.
Time and Duration
The time and duration of an NGE will be agreed upon between the exchange partners, but cannot exceed 3 months. Candidates can depart or arrive any time of year, but must avoid the host country’s holiday and religious highpoints. NGE’s will not have to be concurrent, but should occur within the same year.
Destination and Hosting
NGE’s will take place only between certified Rotary clubs and districts. Candidates
will be hosted privately, with designated host families approved by Rotary – most often
Rotary families. An exchange stay can be divided between several host families, possibly in different parts of the district.
Program Content
The program and costs for the exchange stay are to be devised by the host club.
Receiving candidates will be required devise their own programs in cooperation with local
companies and organizations local to the host exchange. The recipient will need to provide full prior disclosure of these plans. To the extent hosting clubs/districts my be able to assist, some help may be offered to find organizations that can provide practical work/study experiences relevant to the fields of the exchange participant. However, the details and responsibility for these plans will be left to the individual.
The receiving district/club’s only responsibility will be to arrange hosting, invitations to club meetings and other activities.
NGE participants will pay their own travel expenses, full-cover insurance and pocket
money. Board and lodging will be provided free of charge to the candidate by the
host club. The sending club incurs no cost related to its outbound candidate.
Rules and Guidelines for Applicants
Applicants interested in coming to Rotary District 6040 as an NGE recipient must apply to their certified local Rotary club and/or district and those clubs/districts will will interview and screen the applicant. Qualified applicants will need to be above average university students or young professionals who demonstrate community involvement and posses the potential to be an excellent cultural ambassador. Like the other exchange programs, participants with disabilities are encouraged to apply. While room and board for the exchange is provided by the host district or club, the participant assumes certain financial obligations, including round-trip air transportation, clothing, travel insurance and incidental expenses (pocket money).
Currently, our district is organizing a committee to oversee these programs and efforts are being made to reach out to other NGE certified clubs and districts (District 6040 is one such district) around world
Once our district is fully participating, applications for both inbound and outbound exchanges will begin to be reviewed. These applications will require details of specific wishes for vocational practice, length of stay and the times of year the applicant cannot
Travel and will need to be submitted at least 3 months before preferred time of departure by the sending district.
Our district chair/committee will approve/accept the applications for both inbound and outbound candidates and find host clubs for the inbound candidates.
STAY TUNED for more information as this exciting new program unfolds! If you are interested to contribute time and talent, or, if you have any questions or suggestions regarding NGE please contact NGE chairperson Jeff Deatherage. Phone 816-516-1317. Email:
Make a difference! Support the youngsters of today - they are the leaders of tomorrow!