Do you want to attract more members in your club and engage them in more service to your community?
Let me share how you can attract energetic, inspired, excited new members while keeping the current members engaged.
We have introduced a Membership Initiative team in your District to do just that! Some clubs are having success with annual net growth, yet many others are staying neutral, or losing members each year.
Our clubs incorporating a more flexible model are having the most success and attracting newer, engaged members. We don’t just need younger members, we need young thinkers, open minded individuals who are willing to try new things in new ways to be an attractive organization in today’s busy society. Rotary offers what statistics show people are looking for; a chance to join like minded people to network and make a difference. So how do we share that opportunity and keep our members engaged?
Your District Membership chair, supporting your club with a team of facilitators, can help with action plans to support attraction and engagement. That is exactly why we have developed the Membership Initiative. The Districts and clubs who have participated are seeing results. THIS WORKS and is customized for your Club and your Club Culture.
What’s in it for you? An opportunity to have a focused effort on your club with your members choosing what is best for your club culture! This is not top down, it is a bottom up strategy that is all about YOUR CLUB. Your District Membership chair has a trained team ready to go so if they haven’t reached out yet, please call them and schedule a session today! You’ll be glad you did. We look forward to working together soon. Contact your District Membership Chair or Assistant Rotary Coordinator for any questions.