In Lee’s Summit more than 12 tons of food, diapers, and toiletries have been collected in an “Eight Week Neighborly Competition” conceived of and organized by Rotarian Laura Maxwell. “It’s been amazing to experience how the various neighborhoods have attempted to out-do each other in donating to Lee’s Summit Social Services and Coldwater, our local food banks” stated a broadly-smiling Laura. “The reality far exceeded the idea.”
Rotarians from the Lee’s Summit Sunrise Club picked-up the donated food weekly at a central location of each of the two Lee’s Summit neighborhoods that “competed” each week as assigned by Laura. Deliveries were made to LSSS for weigh-in and then shared with Coldwater. Together, both organizations serve more than 4,000 families in Lee’s Summit and Eastern Jackson County. Neighbors helping neighbors with the significant assistance of our local Rotarians!